Saturday, February 5, 2011

What do you want Lily???????

I've had the title " What do you want Lily"? on my desk for a couple weeks, knowing it was a good subject/title but not sure where I wanted to go with it.
Today while in the kitchen getting a mug of tea I "got it" : ).

Many times throughout the day my dog Lily will come to my side and just be beside herself trying to get my attention. Many times this happens right after I have let her out so I know it is not a potty notice. Many times, hmmmm, have I said many too many times so far? haha, well with Lily, "many" is appropriate.
Each time she is at my side, starts wiggling, breathing hard and wants to jumps up to get in my face I ask " What do you want Lily????".
Sometimes it is in frustration because I work from home and she is very distracting. Lily will not stop until I turn my chair and allow her to put her front paws in my lap and look into my eyes. I tell her I love her and then she is good for the next 30 minutes.

Well, when I went into the kitchen to get that tea it hit me. Lily just wants me to reassure her that I love her. Her prior home was abusive to her and she was a scrambled mess when I got her at 3 to 4 yrs of age. Even after 1 1/2 years of being with me she still needs me to tell her I love her "when she needs it".

So now I will ask her " What do you want Lily?" in a more patient and understanding tone. Because I "got it".

Now I just have to make sure I don't mix up the signals for potty notice. LOL

We all need to know we are loved. The greatest gift we can give ourselves is to love ourselves first, then the rest comes naturally.

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