Saturday, February 5, 2011

Special Time with the Horses

Last week I noticed that the horses had a pecking order. I was not happy that some of the horses were getting pushed away from the treats by those higher up on the hierarchical horse order. If I watch closely it is still hard for me to figure out which horse is the top honcho. It is a close match between Casey, Chi and Star. The newbies, Hope and Brandi know that they are low in order. Howard the donkey just holds his own and has learned the ropes, it is almost as if he has an invisible cape.

What I find interesting is that Casey will pick on Hope, they are both chestnut colored, Chi will push Brandi away, they are
both white. Is there something to that, or just a coincidence?

I decided to try something different this week. I made up a wheelbarrow full of broken bread and quartered apples and spread it out in a broken line. I left part of it in the barrow because I know that Casey loves to snack from it. I grabbed a few handfuls and brought that to the outside of the feed area and that took care of Brandi.
So, with Casey eating from the barrow, he left Hope alone. Chi left Brandi alone and everyone was happy. My strategy worked, woohoo!
What happened was harmony between five beautiful horses.

Horses are so majestic, their energy is incredible and I love being around them.
They are smart, affectionate and gentle with that underlying power of force that could break through at any time. So easy to appreciate and admire.

1 comment:

  1. So bitter sweet. I love Kit & Tank with every breath I take. I'm not sure if I will ever be able to speak or write thier names without flowing tears. If only I had been stronger. :'(
