Saturday, February 5, 2011

VOTK , February 2009

I spent the first part of my day at VOTK. It is a big cat sanctuary that is a rescue "farm" in southern WI.
They have approx 50 big cats ( Lions, tigers, cougars, Lynx, bobcats), 2 bears, about 15 wolves, 2 blind horses, a camel, 2 Llama's, a razorback hog, goats, sheep, Lily the pig, lots of ducks, geese, bunnies, emu's, peacocks, field horses, bulls, cows, donkeys, tinies ( domestic cats)chickens, a wallabee - I think that about covers them all. I spend my Sunday morning/early afternoons doing farm chores to help out.
Today was exceptional because it was like Spring and most of the big cats were out. The lions are breathtaking, to be so close to them, within inches, and look into their golden eyes- wow! There is actually a white german shepherd in with the wolves and he is a barker. He was caught running free, had his chain collar embedded in his neck, was caught and votk took him him. My oldest GS was also surrendered with his chain embedded in his neck. It is so distressing how some animals are treated. So I have made Kostner my personal mission, to gain his trust. So every week I have been bringing him & his cage buddy a large dog biscuit. So far so good, now when I am near he stops to watch me instead of the incessant barking that he was prone to. I brought Homer the razorback & lily his buddy some apples today. Homer is HUGE and could barely manipulate his body to find the dropped apples but he was happy when he found them. The best part of my day today was spending some bonding time with Skyhawk one of the blind horses. As I rubbed his neck and talked to him he rested his head on my shoulder- it was so neat. Working out there, even though I am walking through & cleaning crap,having to view deer/calf carcasses ( cat food), the joy comes from the innocence and unconditional love from the animals. It makes me so happy to be helping out.

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