Saturday, February 5, 2011

VOTK 3/8/2009

I got a call before I left that no volunteers showed up on Saturday and that all that was done was feeding the 'farm" animals. My job is to take care of all the "farm animals" which is all but the big cats, bears & wolves. ( Even though I do spend a fair amount of time with the wolves they are not on my chore sheet). With 2 days of constant rain the sanctuary grounds were a mud mess. There were more than a few times I almost stepped out of my boots from being sucked into the mud. We even had thunder & lightning, even worried about a possible tornado ( crazy day to say the least). Got everyone fed. Had a small scare with Lily the orange pig/hog wondering why she was sleeping outside but after some bread treats she was moving around and I chalked it up to Homer the Razorback being a dink and not allowing her into the shelter. We decided to give the duck eggs to the artic foxes ( the eggs are unfertilized & usually thrown away), the foxes loved them- score!. Went out into the field to give the horses bread. They are just so cool and the heirachy is interesting, they do get pushy when there are treats involved. The pen with the 3 wolves are warming up to me and were waiting for me to come over with biscuit treats. I also got to spend some good, though wet time with the other wolves. By the end of 5 hours I was soaked through and ready to go home. I headed home in the rain, when I pulled in the driveway it was hailing and 10 minutes later it was snowing. I am home safe, sound,showered, dry and relaxing. Another good day at the sanctuary.
As a follow-up. The foxes were not allowed to have the eggs. Even though they love them, there is a chance that the eggs have been sitting out in the sun too long, too dangerous. The foxes will just have to make due with all the other wonderful, safe treats they receive.

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