Saturday, February 5, 2011

VOTK , 2/2/2009

Kashie, a beautiful bengal tiger left her earthly body to return home today. Cancer had ravaged her body and it was time for her to go. On other votk highlights-I spent as much time as I could with the wolves, they are just so cool and love the attention. it was certainly poop patrol day for me. I cleaned out the peacocks & the Emu's shelters. As for the chickens, I tell them every weekend not to poop on their feeder- they don't listen real well. So, overall observation: Birds sure do poop alot & it turns into a cement based substance- ewwww. Found an Emu egg- very cool colors of mottled black & teal. Bonus day for fruit & bread for all the animals. The horses, donkeys, goats & pigsl love getting apples. The goats had a field day with all their extra treats. Foxes & Emu's love grapes. thanks to Whole Foods for donating outdated foods!

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