Saturday, February 5, 2011

Meet Sarah and Abby ( 10/10/10)

When I arrived at VOTK this Sunday I went to the prep room to check in and grab the grain buckets

for RC & Chewie. There were 2 additional buckets labeled for Sarah, the bigger mare and Abby the little mare.

I was excited, new horses! When I slid back the barn door and looked in I saw 2 sweet faces who were excited to see me and the buckets of grain. When I looked closer I saw that they were extremely skinny, and that is an understatement, they were skeletal. Their ribs and hips are protruding, their faces are sunken. But even though the outside appearance clearly showed abuse by whoever owned them before they got to VOTK, the look of hope and trust was very clear in both their eyes. I had my usual stock of extra treats, carrots, sliced apples and soft bread. They seemed to have trouble taking the food, my guess is that they were never hand fed. And I have to laugh at that statement because by the end of the day they caught on quick. When I went in to clean their area they were very calm and I never worried about them getting jumpy. They enjoyed every bit of attention they were getting.

I got a message from Jill via Carolyn ( I never carry my phone when I'm there) that she wanted me to take pictures of the girls, to bring them out to the parking lot in the daylight. They were so scared when being led out that they had nervous poops. Any animal person understands a nervous poop. I wasn't prepared for the shock of how malnourished they were, my heart was hurting.

After the pictures I checked my phone for the message from Jill and that is how I found out how they arrived at VOTK. I started crying and I couldn't stop. They were given to VOTK to be slaughtered and fed to the big cats. This happens, it's a fact of life and I understand that.

But knowing that didn't change the fact that these beautiful animals suffered and starved at the hands of some asshole.

I don't understand how a human being can be so callous and indifferent to ignore an animal in their care and watch it starve.

I thank God that they were spared by Jim & Jill, the owners of VOTK. I look forward to watching them fill out and return to full health.

To watch them bask in all the attention they got this past Sunday from our visitors was a wonderful experience.

They know they are now safe, they know they are loved.

Welcome to your new life Ms. Sarah and Ms, Abby!

(please be prepared, the before photos are disturbing. I hope to show new pictures as they progress in health)

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