Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lena the Bed Hog

I woke up this morning to find myself sideways in my queen size bed. I glanced over to spy Lena all stretched out and comfortable. How does this happen every morning? LOL
Some background on Lena. I adopted Lena the end of June 2009, she is about 8 yrs old and a "red" german shepherd.
A friend of a mutual friend ( you know the drill) knew that I loved GS and was trying to help her friend place Lena- long story short, she now lives with me. I wasn't ready to have another dog as I had just lost Kenyon one month prior, but how could I say NO to an older animal with no where else to go. Yes, I am a softie but is that really bad?
Some more on Lena- she does not know how to act around cats and treats them as sport. That does not bode well in my house of 6 cats. It has been an ongoing battle.
Why did I keep her? Because I knew, in my heart, I was her last chance. She is a great dog, very loving and friendly to everyone, her only negative quality is her issue with the cats.
It was also a trial between Lily & Lena. Lena wanted to be the Alpha but Lily fought her every minute of the day. Lily eventually won out but not without bloodshed,*sigh.
Anyways, Lena has finally become comfortable with her status in the house. She knows she belongs and makes herself very comfortable on the couch during the day and on the bed at bedtime. ( The bed is Lily's territory during the day).
The bed space issues??? It all started with a cold nose in my back- "ah hem, hello, new momma, I would like to join you up on the bed, is that ok?". well geez, who can resist those eyes, "sure, come on up". Next thing I know I am squeezed between 2 dogs and can't move. I am literally a dog sandwich.
Once Lena gets settled in she is like a boulder, I couldn't move her if I wanted to, well, if I really wanted to I would meow and ask where's the kitty?- LOL
So I share my bed with a dog posing as a log aka Lena and the other dog,Lily, as part-time partner in bed space encroachment.
Life is short, I can share my bed, it's not too much to expect with two dogs who know they belong and have found their forever home. But I still wish Lena would explore the space at the foot of the bed every once in a while.

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