Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Day with the Horses ( 2/5/2011)

I really, really enjoy the day I get to go out to Valley of the Kings to help the Farrier with the horses.

I get to spend approximately 4 hours of just "equine" time, no other chores to worry about, because on Sunday's it is really hard to find "extra" time, so the Saturday that falls every 6-8 weeks is my time with the horses.

Today there was still a lot of left over snow from the blizzard earlier in the week. The horses were out in the field so I had to trudge through a foot of snow or more to get some of them. I was happy to see that Casey & Hope have become a couple. It was so obvious that Casey was smitten. While Hope was getting her hooves trimmed, Casey was right by her side giving her kisses and licks. And Hope's son, Dusty, was making sure that he was part of the new family unit.

What I enjoy is the one on one time I have with each horse and of course the mules/donkeys. I get about 20-25 minutes face time with each of them while they get their hooves trimmed. I get to talk, look them in the eyes, rub their faces, ears and necks and best of all, share kisses. I love when they rest their heads on my shoulder or chest and show true contentment with being loved.

And they return that love with kisses. There is something so special and just plain cool about being kissed by a horse. Their muzzles are so soft and gentle and they twitch while laying on a smooch.

XOXOXO- I love you all, Casey, Chi, Star, Brandy, Hope, Dusty and Howard the mule. And the barn animals: Sarah, Abby, Dolly the mule,Rainbow & Monchie the donkeys and my best girl, RC.

Thank you for a beautiful day and so glad you enjoyed the corn treats :).

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