Tuesday, September 6, 2011

RC the horse, my babygirl

     I have written about RC before.  She is a horse without eyes, not just blind, she has dry eye sockets.  This was a result of mistreatment in the form of lack of hygenic care by her former owners ( that's being nice).  RC is my favorite animal at Valley of the Kings.  There are times I am not able to spend as much time as I would like with her, and I think those are the days where both of us feel a bit lost.  I have been doing my best to remedy that.  She has been out of sorts since Leroy ( a beautiful grey horse) has been a temporary resident in her abode.  He has taken over her space and she does not like it.  I love Leroy, but I can see the strife he causes and I do my best to calm her.  I love to brush her, well she loves being brushed, it is a mutual bond and something we have shared for 2 1/2 years.  About a month ago I caught her rolling in the dirt in an attempt to scratch her own back.  When she got back up I asked her if she wanted me to get her itchies :).  I went over and started scratching her back, then massaging from her neck to her hinder, she was in bliss.  I also noticed that she is ticklish. When I do this she gets a funny twitch in her muzzle.  This has now become our weekly ritual.  When she hears me come in the gate and I call for my babygirl, she comes right over and turns sideways so I can start right away.  I love it!  Monchie, her seeing eye donkey has joined the routine, while I am massaging RC, Monchie will get loving nips from RC. I imagine it is quite a sight to see, I will have to get someone to catch that on a photo someday.  What inspired me to share this experience was when I saw her yesterday.  While I was rubbing her back I also got the opportunity to lay my face on her back and send love and feel it in return. She reached her head around and nuzzled me back.  She filled my heart, my head, my whole body with such pure love, I was beaming for the rest of the day.  Animal bonds= unconditional love, doesn't get any better.  xoxo 

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