Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chewie the Camel and Nash the Cougar 1/3/2010

It was super cold today. I hadn't started chores and my hands were already freezing, I was ready to cry.
I had on 3 layers and that was not going to be enough so I took my bulky mittens and decided it would be well worth the hassle to keep my hands warm. I checked on Chewie the camel, his stall was a poop factory. I wasn't able to clean it last week as he was not going to leave his stall, it was too cold. Well, same story this week. I tried to coax him out with my arsenal of carrots, apples and bread. He stuck his head out but kneeled on the ground. Ugh, that is his way of telling me" I am not going outside, forget it, no way, but I will eat the treats". Soooo, compromise was needed. I gathered my cleaning tools, pitchfork, rake, shovel and sled. I started raking behind Chewie and he was cooperating. He moved up and started kicking back some of the yuck towards me, he was letting me know that he understood that I was trying to clean. He likes clean and he likes dry. When it was time to put the shavings down he got all excited, he started kicking the piles around, laid right down on it and started rolling. He was so happy to have a clean dry stall, he was like a little kid rolling and snuggling in the shavings.
I wish I could write well enough to express how much pleasure the above gave me. The positive energy and exchange at that moment was incredible.

Nash the cougar.
I had found out a few weeks back that Nash had been a guard cat for a drug gang. When there was a drug bust Nash found a new home at VOTK. Nash is a bit anti-social and I imagine it is from his history. Nash's den is situated in an area where the workers are always walking by. I would always say hi to him but never stopped to talk.
When I heard his story something shifted. I could "feel" Nash and I knew that he wanted more attention.
It has been my mission to spend time with him every Sunday and talk. He loves it, he paces,shows off and chirps his pleasure. I loves being told how handsome he is. I have recruited Carolyn, my farm chore buddy, into the Nash project.
Nash thinks life is good.

I'll add that while I was cleaning RC, Monchie & Rainbow's stall, my boots got tangled in the sled line and I slammed down hard on my knees on the freezing ground and frozen horse and donkey poop. I will also add that this was one time I did not laugh at myself for falling.

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